Driehaus Capital Management LLC (“DCM”) and Driehaus Mutual Funds (collectively, the “Companies”) are committed to the continuance of business operations in the event of a significant business disruption. The Companies’ strategy for continuing business in response to a significant business disruption is first to ensure the safety and security of all employees and to safeguard firm property. Financial and operational assessments will then be made to quickly recover and resume operations. With that in mind, we are providing you with information on our Business Continuity Plan (the “Plan”).
The Companies developed this Plan to provide reasonable assurances of business continuity in the event a significant business disruption affects the normal operations of our primary facilities. The Plan addresses several areas, including, but not limited to: (i) data back up and recovery; (ii) mission critical systems; (iii) financial and operational assessments; (iv) alternate communications with customers, employees and other relevant parties; (v) alternate locations; (vi) critical service providers; (vii) reporting obligations to regulatory authorities; and (viii) assuring our clients prompt access to funds and securities. In addition to the “Plan,” DCM has developed an Information Security Plan and an Incident Response Plan.
The Companies do not maintain custody of client funds or securities. Custody is maintained by client designated third-party custodians. Clients are responsible for ensuring their designated custodian’s business continuity plan is adequate.
In the event of a significant business disruption, the Companies will make every reasonable effort to enact the Plan. The Companies developed the Plan to mitigate business risk presented by significant business disruptions of varying scope, which may include the physical relocation of our business operations. The nature of the Companies’ response will depend on the severity of the disruption. However, the Companies cannot guarantee we will be able to fully implement the Plan in the event of a significant business disruption, since the Plan is highly dependent upon critical infrastructure, which in some cases the Companies have no control over. With any disruption, our goal is to continue the Companies’ business operations as close to normal as possible. If necessary, and when ability permits, we will contact clients via phone, facsimile, and/or electronic mail to apprise them of the status of the operations of the Companies.
The Companies reserve the right to alter, amend, or eliminate any of the contingencies outlined in the Plan, as the Companies in their sole judgment deem necessary or appropriate. If you have questions about the Plan, please feel free to contact us.